360o Darwin

360o Darwin is a festival presentation supporting the publication of the Biology primer on Evolution, by Neil Ingram, Sylvia Hixson Andrews and Jane Still. It will be published by Oxford University Press in Winter 2022.

This presentation is a 360o view of the thinking of Charles Darwin. We ask why it is that so many of the new discoveries in evolution still draw on the ideas that Darwin proposed. We use contemporary scientific knowledge about finches, butterflies, giraffes and humans to revisit some of the questions that fascinated and perplexed Darwin. We show that whilst Darwin sometimes was wrong on the details he was completely right on the fundamental principles. Which is why all thinking about evolution starts and ends with Darwin.  

This talk was held on Zoom on 10th February 2022.


Evolution and Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes


Charles Darwin - A True Natural Philosopher & Geologist